
New England Holocaust Memorial

In recent history, there is nothing more tragic than the holocaust. Millions of Jews were killed by Hitler as he wanted to completely exterminate all Jews. The planned extermination Jews have started years before World War II where Hitler’s men removed the Jews family by family. If you were known to be a Jew, you’d be taken out of your home and led to the concentration camps. And when you travel to Boston, don’t forget to stop by the New England Holocaust to know more.

In the concentration camps, the Jews were in line and the guards would tell you if you should go to the left or the right. The Jews, whether they are adults or children go to each side without knowing what was in store for them. If you went to the right you’d be their slave but if you were instructed to go to the left then you’re heading to the gas chambers.

There was no mercy and millions of people died, not only Jews but other “characters” that the Germans consider to be criminal. Thus, the New England Holocaust Memorial is dedicated to all the Jews that had died during World War II under the power of Adolf Hitler.

The New England Holocaust Memorial was erected by the designer Stanley Saitowitz in 1995 and it is consisting of 6 glass towers where the bottom part is open for viewers to walk under. Here you can see the 6 million numbers representing the 6 million Jews who died.

From the Faneuil Hall, you will see a black panel where you’ll read the outlines of the events that occurred back from 1933 to 1945 when the Nazis had already been defeated. When you walk towards the first tower, you will see the word “Remember” both in Hebrew and the English language so the passersby would remember the injustice and prejudice of the Nazis towards the Jews.

The 6 towers of the New England Holocaust Memorial symbolize the 6 major concentration camps as well as a symbol for 1 million Jews per tower. It can also be taken as a symbol of the 6 years of extermination from 1939 to 1945.

There are still living victims of the Holocaust today and you will hear lots of horrifying stories from them. It is nice that we have venues such as the New England Holocaust Memorial that permanently marks the rich and violent history of that event. These survivors won’t live forever but these monuments will stay for many more years to come.

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